BUY AL-LAD BLOTTERS is a synthetic research chemical that shares similarities to LSD. When buying AL-LAD, BUY AL-LAD BLOTTERS it’s essential to be aware of the chemistry and usage of this substance. The first time that AL-LAD made itself known in the research chemical market was in 2013. ALD-LAD is often sold alongside other lysergamides, similar in structure and function to LSD — such as 1P-LSD and ETH-LAD.
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Buy AL-LAD in the highest quality blotter form. Buy AL-LAD in the quantities of 1, 2, 5, 10, or 25 blotters 150 mcg each. Ensure to store the AL-LAD in a dry and cool place for maximum shelf-life. When handling research chemicals, ensure always taking the proper precautions in the laboratory like wiping down surfaces and wearing gloves, a mask & protective clothing.
AL-LAD, adequately known as 6-allyl-6-nor-LSD, is a strong synthetic psychedelic. It is an analogue of the popular psychedelic LSD and, as such, shares several similarities in terms of outcomes, potency, and usage.
Alexander Shulgin outlines the synthesis of AL-LAD in his book TiHKAL, considered by many to be the holy grail of psychedelic chemistry. In this book, Shulgin explains how AL-LAD can be produced from nor-LSD.
The first recorded synthesis of AL-LAD was in 1976.
There is not a lot of data available regarding the pharmacology, metabolism, or toxicity of AL-LAD. For this reason, it’s incredibly important to follow any harm reduction practices when you’re touching or using the chemical.
AL-LAD is part of a class of substances coined ‘research chemicals,’ a term loosely used to describe many compounds that have been synthesized but not yet subjected to laws. Despite the term, most of these substances — including AL-LAD — have not been researched extensively.
Other names for AL-LAD include N-allyl-nor-lysergic acid N, N,-diethylamide and N-allyl-nor-LSD.
Much like LSD, AL-LAD exerts most of its outcomes due to its action in the serotonin system. Most serotonergic tryptamines work by removing specific sensory barriers that obscure or filter out unnecessary sensory information.
AL-LAD can be purchased here on the research chemicla lab website. We sell premium quality AL-LAD, typically in blotter form. However, we often have other substance forms available, so please contact us to see if we have your preferred substance form in stock. You must be at least 18 years old to buy AL-LAD from us.
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